Hypnosis for anxiety
Is stress or anxiety holding you back from living life on your terms?
07968 062640
Problems occur when these stressful memories continue to play in the background.
The good news is, I can help you cope and feel better by helping you to access your own inner resources – with Hypnosis.
Anxiety hypnosis is a powerful tool for making change happen quickly. Imagine feeling better immediately instead of spending months in therapy.
Unlike conventional ‘talking therapies’ Hypnosis gives you the opportunity of working ‘content free’. This means there is no need to relive the pain – making it an ideal solution for victims of abuse and trauma.
“While everyone knows that stress is our body’s natural response to external situations. We all respond differently to new or unexpected situations. Threats or feeling out of control can stimulate the production of stress hormones that in turn trigger the classic ‘fight or flight’ response. Once the situation has ended, these hormones disperse, usually will no ill-effects. Truth is that some forms of stress can be beneficial.”

Des Howden
I was drawn to psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and life coaching after a close friend suffered serious mental health problems. Even the best psychiatrists and psychologists in the world were unable to help him. From that moment on I dedicated my life and resources to learn everything I could to help people to deal with mental health challenges of all kinds.
For over a decade I studied and traveled around the globe, studying with some of the greatest minds in therapy – learning practical approaches that help us overcome our problems and live life to its fullest potential.
I’d Love to Help You
I Have Experience With…
These are just some of the physical and mental reactions to stress overload.
- You may experience anxiety, frustration, or anger.
- Sleep may be affected, and you may become irritable, emotional, or aggressive. You may develop unhealthy coping mechanisms – smoking, drinking, or taking drugs.
- Your sex drive may be affected, and you may suffer a range of physical symptoms including digestive problems, aches, and pains.
- You may even develop Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cardiovascular disease, or stomach ulcers.
My Motivation & Philosophy
Having worked for many years in the SAS and as an international security consultant supporting many high-profile people, including heads of state. I was no newcomer to stressful situations or the price we sometimes pay.
Since losing my close friend I have also helped set up a charity dedicated to supporting people who have suffered trauma.
As you can see, I have witnessed how life can change in an instant, but I also understand that the impact of such a change does not have to last a lifetime – that it is possible to recover.
If stress or anxiety is holding you back from living the life you deserve – and you are serious about changing that for good… Book a free discovery call with me today by filling out the form below.
During our 30-minute call, we will discuss the change you want for yourself and the best ways to achieve it.
Get In Touch
“It is never too late to be who you might have been” George Elliot
With the right help...
Changing the way you feel or behave is reassuringly easy. The hardest decision is simply to act and once you make that choice, there is no going back. It’s time to draw a line under the past and start a new journey.

07968 062640
You can also find me on trusted directories such as https://www.hgi.org.uk/find-therapist/therapist/des-howden and https://www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk/hypnotherapists/des-howden and https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/counsellors/des-howden